How do you interact with the books you read? Maybe you log them on Goodreads or a similar site. Perhaps you love posting reviews on Amazon. Maybe you post on social or tell a friend. Most of those activities aren’t available or appropriate ways for our kids to interact with the books they love. So what are ways we can encourage kids who love reading to go deeper?
Enter Imagination Soup’s Reading Journal for kids (who love to read) by Melissa Taylor!

This engaging journal models different ways for kids to interact with the books they are reading. Here are few of the options:
- Write a review (with either a rating or a yes/no recommendation)
- Draw a picture
- List other books or movies this story reminds you of
- Create a new cover for this book
- Make a wanted poster for the villian
- Write a letter to the author
- Questions like, “What was your favorite part?” or “What character was your favorite”
- and many more!
One clever thing about this journal is that kids create their own table of contents in the front. That way, they can pick the activity pages best suited to the book. The table in the front will help them find that book again and serve as a reading log.
As we get close to summer and thinking about summer reading programs (which are demotivating for some kids), consider this reading journal as an option! But don’t take my word for it. My eleven-year-old daughter thought it was pretty great as well!
*I received a free copy of this book from the author. All opinions are my own (and my 11-year-old’s).