Hi! I’m Carolyn. If you’re like me, you want to give your child the best books, books that will inspire laughter and touch touch their hearts.

But not every kid is the same, and you don’t have time to read all the books.

That’s why I’m here to help you find the right book for your child.



I’m also an author myself! You can learn more about my books at my Author Site.

Beneath the Swirling Sky is the award-winning first book of The Restorationists, a series about friendship, calling, and the power of art.

Book two, Between Flowers and Bones, releases September 10, 2024 from Waterbrook, an imprint of Penguin Random House.


Accident: Showing Kids How To Handle A Mistake

Accident: Showing Kids How To Handle A Mistake

Have you ever made a mistake that causes you want to curl up in a ball and hide from the world? I have! But when you're a kid, those feelings are compounded. That's exactly what Andrea Tsurumi's fantastic new picture book, Accident!, is all about. The Story When...

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Bookish Gifts for Christmas

Bookish Gifts for Christmas

Are you looking for some bookish gifts for your kids this Christmas? (And maybe some for yourself too!) These are some of my very favorite bookish gifts around the web to read, wear, color, or listen to. If you're looking for a list of books, check out the one I made...

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After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again

After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again

After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again... We all know the nursery rhyme: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and all the king's horses and all the king's men couln't put Humpty together again. But what if they did? And if Humpty...

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Tumble and Blue: On Friendship and Fate

Tumble and Blue: On Friendship and Fate

Do you get super excited when one of your favorite authors comes out with a new book? Me too! (I'm assuming you said yes, right?) I loved Cassie Beasly's debut middle-grade novel, Circus Mirandus, so when her new novel, Tumble & Blue, arrived in the mail, I...

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Beautiful: The Book Every Little Girl Needs to Hear

Beautiful: The Book Every Little Girl Needs to Hear

This past Christmas, I found a picture book I just couldn't pass up for my daughters or my nieces. Every little girl longs to know they are beautiful, but what exactly does that mean? Beautiful by Stacy McAnulty provides a great answer to that question. (And for a...

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