Is All the Wrong Questions by Lemony Snicket a good series? Yes. But that’s the wrong question. What you should be asking is, “Does my child like mysterious books that don’t take themselves too seriously?”
I’ve read the first two books in Lemony Snicket’s All the Wrong Questions series, and I found them thoroughly enjoyable. The novels are the fabricated early history of Lemony Snicket (pen name of Daniel Handler). The stories take place in an undefined period of time in a strange fictional town called Stained-by-the-Sea (not sure it could be categorized steampunk, but it has that feel). Snicket is an apprentice in an unnamed agency whose job seems to be solving crimes. However, he has a larger objective, which is only hinted at in the first two books. His mentor is pompous and bumbling, and, in Snicket’s world, kids pretty much behave as adults. The adults, on the other hand are either fools, absent, or evil. This fact is really my only issue with the books (though I get that adults need to be largely absent from children’s books in order for the story to progress). Snicket’s character was very likable and clearly tries to do the right thing. Each book is a stand-alone mystery but is clearly also part of a larger story.
My favorite thing about All the Wrong Questions is that it doesn’t take itself seriously. Snicket’s characters constantly pause to define words (similar to A Series of Unfortunate Events). The town and mystery scenarios are totally improbable (such as taxi driving kids, pen ink farmed from squids, etc.), but it all works together to create an intriguing world.
That being said, do you recall the right question? Does your child like mysterious books that don’t take themselves too seriously? Although I thought the books were fun, my daughter (almost 10) couldn’t stand them. She didn’t like the strange, improbable town with its mysterious circumstances (although she enjoys both mystery and fantasy books).
And that’s ok. These are not classics that every child must read. But if your child likes fun, interesting stories that don’t take themselves too seriously, give All the Wrong Questions a try.
What book have you enjoyed that your child has hated?
I’ll have to get my 11 year old to try that book. She didn’t love The Series of Unfortunate Events though, so she might not like it. Did your 10 year old like Series of Unfortunate….?
So, I tried to read A Series of Unfortunate Events, but my kids rebelled after about two chapters. Especially my oldest. She couldn’t stand the idea that everything was going to go wrong (even though I told her things would be ok). I read it myself a few years ago and liked aspects of it, but there were definitely things about it I didn’t love. I much prefer this new series. We all enjoy his picture books (The Composer is Dead, 13 Words, The Dark).
My oldest really enjoyed the Series of Unfortunate Events. I think she would like these as well. She likes “dark” sorts of stories. 🙂
Thank you for linking up with Read Aloud Wednesdays.
It’s funny how different kids have different tastes! My daughter couldn’t stand either series, but we have all loved his picture books. I like this new series much more than the first. I hope your daughter enjoys them!
I think I’m more on your daughter’s side on this one. I really loved A Series of Unfortunate Events, but I have so far found ATWQ a bit impenetrable. The tricks are either too telegraphed or completely unpredictable. I’m hoping later books draw a little bit tighter together, but that’s just me. Thanks for sharing with #KidLitBlogHop!
Haha, I think that’s what I like about it–keeps me curious! It’s definitely a different read than A Series of Unfortunate Events. My daughter will feel vindicated in her opinion. 🙂