by Carolyn | Baby, Book Lists, Parenting, Picture Books
I hope you haven’t forgotten that Valentines Day is also Book Giving Day! (Really! I didn’t make it up!) Here are some adorable picture books to tell your kids, “I love you.” And if you have older kids, any book they really like will tell them...
by Carolyn | Animal books, Book Lists, Fantasy, For fun, Imagination, Picture Books, Poetry, Read Alouds, Recommendations
I don’t know how it started, but there has been a surplus of funny picture books with dragons published in the last few years. And when I say funny, I mean hilarious. I literally can’t read some of these without laughing out loud. If you have a child who...
by Carolyn | Baby, Book Lists, Parenting, Picture Books
There’s nothing like a book to prepare a child for new experiences. And if your child is getting ready to become a big brother or a big sister for the first time, these books are a fabulous way to prepare them to welcome a new baby. There are funny books, sweet...
by Carolyn | Book Lists, Education, For fun, Poetry, Resources
I remember the first time I was introduced to the concept of palindromes. My sixth-grade teacher wrote on the board, “A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.” She asked us what was unique about this phrase. We puzzled and thought, but no one could get it. Finally,...
by Carolyn | Book Lists, Classics, Cultural Diversity, Nature, Older Elementary, Picture Books, Read Alouds
Snow can be magical for children, which explains why there are so many picture books about snow! I must have checked out over thirty books to find our very favorites to share with you. Maybe you’re knee-deep in snow. Or maybe–like us–the only snow...
by Carolyn | Book Lists, Chapter Books, Character Training, Cultural Diversity, Early Readers, Education, Historical Fiction, Juvenile Fiction, Middle-grade, Newbery, Parenting, Read Alouds
This isn’t what I had planned on posting this month. But my heart has been heavy reading responses from friends on both sides of the aisle to the recent presidential election. There is fear of racism and persecution (and now actual occurrences of such). There...
by Carolyn | Book Lists, Education, Nature, Older Elementary, Picture Books, Preschool, Read Alouds
It’s fall. Here in South Texas that means the couple trees that change color have a few yellow leaves and the temperature has finally dipped below 90 degrees… at least on some days. We mainly seem to experience autumn through books. So let me share a few...
by Carolyn | Baby, Book Lists, For fun, Imagination, Parenting, Picture Books, Preschool, Read Alouds, Toddler
I like my bedtime books to be quiet and sedate. But if you like to add some laughs to your nighttime routine, you won’t want to miss these hilariously fun bedtime books. Your kids will giggle, cuddle, and (hopefully) yawn by the end. I hope you find some new...
by Carolyn | Book Lists, Education, Juvenile Fiction, Middle-grade, Mystery, Older Elementary
A few weeks ago, I posted a list of Picture Books About School. But I haven’t forgotten your older kids. If your elementary to early middle schoolers are trying to get back in the swing classes and studying, maybe a few books with a school setting would help....
by Carolyn | Biography, Book Lists, Cultural Diversity, Education, Nonfiction, Older Elementary, Picture Books, Read Alouds
There is a bit of a renaissance going on in children’s literature, and that’s particularly true of non-fiction picture books. The trend is engagingly written, beautifully illustrated non-fiction picture books designed to entice your child into learning...