Give Your Kids Books for Christmas (Recommendations Plus Free Printable Bookplates)

Give Your Kids Books for Christmas (Recommendations Plus Free Printable Bookplates)

Books for Christmas are pretty much a staple at my house. The books I owned myself as a child hold a special place in my heart. In fact, I still have most of them to this day. Other presents my kids receive they will eventually break or grow out of. But a good book is...
Guard Your Children’s Hearts With Diverse Books

Guard Your Children’s Hearts With Diverse Books

This isn’t what I had planned on posting this month. But my heart has been heavy reading responses from friends on both sides of the aisle to the recent presidential election. There is fear of racism and persecution (and now actual occurrences of such). There...
5 Favorite Children’s Bibles

5 Favorite Children’s Bibles

As a Christian parent, I can read books all day to my kids, but if I’m failing to read God’s word to them, what good am I really doing? I know I need this reminder to read our children’s Bibles with my kids even when our days get busy. But with all...

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